Monday, November 19, 2012

First video finally up

Well I am not overly pleased with the way this turned out but I guess it's not horrible considering my lack of video editing skills.  I am trying to see if I can hook up an old camcorder to my computer to get better video but this will at least give you the idea for now.

This first tutorial is just to get some of the basic techniques I use for shading, blending and how to get a smooth texture.  This "ball" exercise is a common one and I encourage you to practice it yourself to get these techniques down.

Shading tutorial

Here is a picture of the wedge tip that I use for most of the smooth textures I do.
I also used a Blue Tack, tortillion and a chamois.

I promise the video will get better and I will get these down to a much smaller length so the boredom doesn't take over!


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